The Street Way

The Standard Library In C And C++ Programming !!

The following are brief descriptions of the contents of each header. The headers inherited from the C standard are marked as "C header." Some of these headers have improved C++ equivalents,

<algorithm> - Standard algorithms for copying, searching, sorting, and otherwise operating on iterators and containers.

<bitset> - Class template to hold a fixed-sized sequence of bits.

<cassert> - Runtime assertion-checking; C header.

<cctype> - Character classification and case conversion; C header (see also <locale>).

<cerrno> - Error codes; C header.

<cfloat> - Limits of floating-point types; C header (see also <limits>).

<ciso646>  - Empty header because C declarations are incorporated in the C++ language; C header.

<climits> - Limits of integer types; C header (see also <limits>).

<clocale> - Locale-specific information; C header (see also <locale>).

<cmath> - Mathematical functions; C header.

<complex> - Complex numbers.

<csetjmp> - Nonlocal goto; C header.

<csignal> - Asynchronous signals; C header.

<cstdarg> - Macros to help implement functions that take a variable number of arguments; C header.

<cstddef> - Miscellaneous standard definitions; C header.

<cstdio> - Standard input and output; C header (see also <iostream> and related headers).

<cstdlib> - Miscellaneous functions and related declarations; C header.

<cstring> - String-handling functions; C header (see also <string>).

<ctime> - Date and time functions and types; C header.

<cwchar> - Wide character functions, including I/O; C header (see also <locale>, <iostream>, <string>, and other I/O-related headers).

<cwctype> - Wide character classification and case conversion; C header (see also <locale>).

<deque> - Deque (double-ended queue) standard container.

<exception> - Base exception class and functions related to exception-handling.

<fstream> - File-based stream I/O.

<functional> - Function objects; typically used with standard algorithms.

<iomanip> - I/O manipulators; used with standard I/O streams.

<ios> - Base class declarations for all I/O streams.

<iosfwd> - Forward declarations for I/O objects.

<iostream> - Declarations of standard I/O objects.

<istream> - Input streams and input/output streams.

<iterator> - Additional iterators for working with standard containers and algorithms. See Chapter 10 for more information.

<limits> - Limits of numerical types.

<list> - Standard linked list container.

<locale> - Locale-specific information for formatting and parsing numbers, dates, times, and currency values, plus character-related functions for classifying, converting, and comparing characters and strings.

<map> - Associative map (sometimes called a dictionary) standard container.

<memory> - Allocators, algorithms for uninitialized memory, and smart pointers (auto_ptr).

<new> - Global operator new and operator delete and other functions related to managing dynamic memory.

<numeric> -  Numerical algorithms.

<ostream> - Output streams.

<queue> - Queue and priority queue container adapters.

<set> - Associative set container.

<sstream> - String-based I/O streams.

<stack> - Stack container adapter.

<stdexcept> - Standard exception classes.

<streambuf> - Low-level stream buffers; used by high-level I/O streams.

<string> - Strings and wide-character strings.

<strstream> - String streams that work with character arrays (see also <sstream>).

<typeinfo> - Runtime type information.

<utility> - Miscellaneous templates, such as pair, most often used with standard containers and algorithms.

<valarray> - Numerical arrays.

<vector> - Vector (array-like) standard container.


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